How to Celebrate Christmas in 2020

The year 2020 has been a challenging one, a year filled with so much uncertainty. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic shook the whole world and the lockdown following it covered a large part of the year. So many events were suspended with the hope of rescheduling at later this year, but the situation lingered as the virus continued to claim lives in major countries.

celebrating christmas in 2020

With Christmas fast approaching, there are many confusions in the mind of many. Should Christmas be celebrated in the normal way as though there was no virus? What do we do to the 2020 abandoned goals and projects? Etc.

Of course, the question that comes to each person will be as a result of the individual’s personal experience with COVID-19. So many plans of making money before the year 2020 have been shattered and distorted. Plans of getting married and building houses, of buying cars, of graduating, of studying abroad etc. These are barriers that keep arousing feelings of dissatisfaction and discontent.

Planning Christmas in 2020 as A student

One of the challenges that young people (students) have is that of comparing themselves with others of the same age bracket. They always measure their success based on what they have seen in their peers. This leads to an inferiority complex that discourages consistent effort at one’s level, leading young people to involve themselves in queer means of making fast money.

With regard to preparations for Christmas in 2020, most young people refuse to visit their villages or honour occasions because they feel they haven’t made an amount of money that they need to come out in public. This feeling denies them the love and mutual relationship which is gained through visiting close relatives and spending time in the village with members of the extended family.

celebrating christmas in 2020

As Christmas is approaching, so many people are pressurized because they think that they have to do something for their friends, family and many others. Instead of approaching Christmas with a spirit that aligns with what is being celebrated, the only thing we think of is the entertainment aspect and how we can become an ambassador of this for the sole purpose of showing off or trying to feel among.

The only way to deal with the situation is to trace its root and also deal with it as such. There can be several reasons why young people align with these patterns of behaviour. However, notwithstanding what these reasons may be, the mind plays a very important role in the inculcation of these behavioural patterns. Everyone should strive to set himself free of thoughts that are detrimental to the team spirit.

christmas in 2020

If there is successful emancipation from the thought pattern that exists, then young people will be able to accept their lives as they see it, while making a sincere effort to also improve. This acceptance also involves a realization that every person’s life is unique and there is no need taking radical decisions based on what we see in the lives of others. Of course, appearance is not always reality and the earlier we begin to think deeper than what our eyes provide, then we can advance.

Tips to Enjoy Christmas in 2020

Make Happiness a Priority:

  • At a time like this when there are so many reasons to curse the year and declare this year the worst, it is easy for one to drift into depression while thinking about failed plans. However, when you make happiness a top priority in this season, then happiness abides with you despite the situation.

If for example, you go to an occasion and you are not treated well, that is, they do not allow you to enjoy the food and drinks provided for guests, don’t feel bad, go home and buy whatever it is you would have bought, and eat/drink in the comfort of your home.

Infect Others with Happiness and Joy:

  • We are always prone to desire more and more and this leads us to appreciate what is available at the moment. This year, you may have planned to do bigger things for others (family and friends) but the situation may not permit all that you have in mind.

Do not be discouraged and do not give up the idea of doing something for them. You can always use the little you have to put a smile on the face of another. Do not wait till you have so much before you can give out Christmas presents.

Do not Overthink Responsibility:

  • Bear in mind that in the next 20-30 days all this rush and pressure about Christmas will be over and you will still be alive, life continues. Do not overthink the things you consider your responsibility. Do the much you can and leave the rest for another time.

Take Some Days off and Celebrate Christmas:

The irony of the Christmas season is that so many people get so busy that they don’t actually have any time to celebrate Christmas anymore. They move from place to place, trying to prepare for the next year that they hardly celebrate.

To make the Christmas celebration a memorable one, you should take a break from work, appointments/engagements, distractions etc. Just bring out a day for yourself, prepare or buy what you want and celebrate from home. Make sure that you do not allow contrary ideas to creep in during the moment of celebration.

christmas in 2020


Remember that Christ is the reason for the season, not you or anyone else. Do not add to the pressure of others and do not allow other people to pressurize you. Christmas will still come in 2021, why do you have to overthink 2020. If you seem confused about the season even at this time, then stand still and seize every action. Allow things to unfold naturally and you will see that you have virtually been worrying over nothing.

I wish you all a beautiful celebration as you spread the gospel of Christ’s birth to the whole world.


Author: Eustace Oparaocha

Eustace Oparaocha is a native of Emeke, Obibiezena in Owerri North L.G.A in Imo State, Nigeria. He is a passionate writer and public speaker. He manages a personal blog where he shares his ideas with the whole world and tries to inspire his readers. He is currently studying philosophy at the Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri. With his innovative ideas and vigorous spirit, Eustace Oparaocha hopes to contribute positively to humanity.

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