Table of Contents
So many things draw us backward without our knowledge. This article contains top 5 attitudes you need to discard and advance the right way. The earlier we begin to identify some of these things that deter our personal growth, the earlier we can progress in life. Our growth and advancement can be seen as a ladder and we need to attain some more knowledge in order to take reach the next level. This involves discarding some attitudes and attaining some new knowledge. Below are some of the top 5 attitudes you need to discard in order to develop and soar higher:
#1 Looking For Perfect Opportunities:
So many people spend time looking for opportunities that meet their criteria. In doing so, they miss out on the available ones. It is important to note that there are no perfect opportunities and that is what makes it an ‘opportunity’ in the real sense of the word. In order to develop yourself and grow, you must be willing to grab any opportunity that presents itself, whether you think it is perfect or not. With this in mind, there is no way you will go through series of opportunities without being favoured by one or more.
#2 Neglecting Your Intuition:
So many people get confused about what to do from time to time. While this may be normal, it also shows the neglect of one’s intuition. Everyone gets ideas at one point or the other, but not everyone follows up these ideas and hints to achieve something. Paying attention to your intuition can help you achieve projects faster and develop yourself within a short period. Neglecting your intuition can lead to struggling in tasks and multiple failures. So many entrepreneurs have confessed that they started to make more returns when they started listening to their intuition and adhering to instructions.
#3 Owing Others and Not Feeling Disturbed:
This is one of the things that make people remain stagnant in life. They borrow money from people and refuse to return the amount borrowed. They do not even act as though there is anything wrong with that. They go about doing their day to day activities without even meeting the person involved to explain why they are unable to return the money yet. This bad habit is something that may make you a perpetual debtor, thereby leading people you encounter not to trust you. Progressively, these people tell others and others also learn not to trust you. It may be a deterrent that stops people from coming to you or associating with you.
#4 Seeking Pity or Compassion From Others:
So many people make the mistake of expecting some form of compassion from others. They make people see their situation as pitiable and as such sympathize with them. This is an appalling attitude that does not take anyone far in life. The earlier we begin to realize that the world is not a place where we get everything we desire, the earlier we begin to live better in it. The thing is that, it is better for you to give out love than to expect love. Even in giving out love, there is no need to expect any returns because they may not come. It is better to put yourself in a situation where you expect nothing, so that when it comes, you will appreciate it. However, if you already expect something, you may feel bad and frustrated when that thing does not come. This is a deterrent to personal development and growth.
#5 Giving up Proximate Goals Because OF Hear-says or Short-term Failure
The psychology of achievement has made us realize that we need to overcome the temptation to give up in order to be successful. So many people always give up their goals as soon as they begin because they fail at the beginning. They put in so much time and feel like they do not still achieve much. They begin to compare themselves with others who are working on the same goals and feel like they are backward because they don’t have the talent. These people eventually give up after they get one or two discouraging comments from other people. This is very common in proximate goals that do not exhaust one’s entire life goals.
The points above does not exhaust the entire list of what we need to discard in order to create more opportunities for development in our lives. However, they can be a nice starting point that will help us discover more. The aim is to discard vices, acquire virtues and become better persons with the aim of influencing others positively at the same time.
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