COVID-19: The Reformer

Published during the heat of the lockdown following the COVID-19 pandemic

Pandemic! Pandemic!! Pandemic!!!

A time when the whole world is trembling in fear -as every being is affected by the viral disease on ground- seems to be a reminder to all of our nothingness and frailty. Just when science thought it was heading for the skies and could take care of all situations, it has been hit hard by a deadly virus which proves it quite fallible. It is true that a cure may be found in the nearest future, but the present condition of the world and the spread of the virus beyond control is an eye-opener to all. Having assumed that we are an advanced world, it has shown us how backward we are.

planet earth

Historians have taken time to relate the COVID-19 pandemic to the Spanish flu which claimed over fifty million lives. It has also been related to so many viral diseases which at one time or the other were threats to the world. Some say that this was the way the world discovered new diseases, and in no time it would become a normal disease that will be treated casually just like malaria, typhoid, flu etc. This is because these diseases we see today were once very deadly and claimed the lives of many. Sometimes the remarks of these experts suggest that many more lives are to be claimed as they explain the various stages of a virus outbreak.

Barely four years ago, the world was faced with the Ebola virus which appears to have similar characteristics with the Corona virus. The use of face masks, hand sanitizers and ‘no-contact’ pact all arose during that period. A re-occurrence of a disease which has almost the same precautionary measures as the Ebola virus has made so many people to take the situation lightly. To them, the corona virus will disappear just like the Ebola virus did some years back. This can explain the widespread in some countries like Italy, U.S.A, China etc. The people continued their normal activities, wearing face masks which secured them less.

Within the last few weeks, so many messages/prophecies have been going viral. Some refer to this period as the end time. Well… we need not to dwell on the prophecies and remarks from different quarters. All of these messages, prophecies, instructions and most importantly the current situation of most people as displayed in the news, should be used to our own advantage. The newsflash some days ago where a speaker was invited on CNN to speak to the people on the need for meditation got me thinking. If the world could realize the need to go back into ourselves and rediscover ourselves, then COVID-19 is a real reformer. All those who may have been ‘religious’ so to say, must also intensify their commitments and practices. This is a time to deepen our concentration and to achieve more in life. All those who travel so much, party so much etc. are now settled compulsorily. “I don’t have time for this, I don’t have time for that”, now is the time. Whatever you have failed to achieve for a long time because you think there is no time, the time has been created by COVID-19, with the ‘seat at home’ rule.

While watching a video scene capturing the deserted streets of Italy, some questions kept occurring; where are all the club dancers and strippers? Where are the sex workers and gangsters? etc. A country which has been ranked amongst the highest in terms of commercializing sex and immorality has become cold. Everyone is now concerned about life rather than business–what a world. What about businessmen all over the world who travel from one country to the next every new week? Surely they are now at a place. This is something they may not have given a thought if not for the rise of COVID-19. It is true that so many people continue their activities through the internet even with the ‘sit at home’ rule. However, considering the plight of the infected people who become entirely helpless, useless in terms of work, we should use this period for some other things like talent development, spiritual development and strengthening the family bond.

Summarily, we all should take heed during this period and be ready to help the neighbour who comes for assistance. Staying indoors and watching Netflix or surfing the internet could be a nice way to save the world, but it can be better if we can develop ourselves in different capacities with the current situation and free time. What if the situation reaches a point where we all have to help out as medical auxiliaries to be able to save more lives? Are you willing to go? Remember all those heroes and saints you read in history class and marvelled at their inputs?–this may be your time. All the same, stay safe, pray and meditate, show love and affection (without contact) and we shall all live to tell the stories of today.

Author: Eustace Oparaocha

Eustace Oparaocha is a native of Emeke, Obibiezena in Owerri North L.G.A in Imo State, Nigeria. He is a passionate writer and public speaker. He manages a personal blog where he shares his ideas with the whole world and tries to inspire his readers. He is currently studying philosophy at the Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri. With his innovative ideas and vigorous spirit, Eustace Oparaocha hopes to contribute positively to humanity.

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